
Go where there’s diversity, and crime

To the editor:

Writers occasionally include interesting (albeit extraneous) information in Enterprise letters to lend them additional authority.

Wayne Leonard, formerly of Tupper Lake, desires that in his letter (ADE Oct. 15) concerning the unwillingness of Tupper Lake officials and citizens to promote diversity in Tupper Lake. He states that a flag associated with the Southern Confederacy was “the battle flag of the Army of the Potomac.”

That’s interesting. But is it authoritative? No.

Mr. Leonard, no living Civil War historians speak of the Army of the Potomac as a Confederate army. They identify it as a Union army, and have for over 150 years. Your denoting it a Confederate army would elicit murmurs of disapproval, yet you submit it to us as an unqualified fact.

From that belly-flop opening, your letter proceeds till finally concluding with vituperative slaps at Tupper Lake’s community officials and residents. They’ll surely remember your good citizenship.

You say you’re moving, and we can guess where. For we’ve watched televised reports of the arson, looting and rioting erupting in communities whose social unrest and contempt for good order you would bring to our door.

Go to those infernal places, Mr. Leonard. Home prices are low there. Lock your car, pull your blinds, and ever glance back on any nightly excursions.

Yet forgive us if we don’t share your liking for those unnerving disturbances. We don’t need drugs and violence here, nor the hate of Black Lives Matter. We have challenges enough, and seeing police and firefighters cursed and spat upon produces no longing for the scourge your “diversity” would inflict on us all.

So please, go to where diversity offers you hope. For if 100 centuries of human history have not awakened you to the degenerate social conditions it spawns, perhaps a beating for you — there in its lair — will.

John Edelberg

Saranac Lake


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