
Blood drive in Bloomingdale

To the editor:

Canceled blood drives, due to COVID-19, are causing a decrease in donations that has affected the local blood supply. Of course, the need for blood has not decreased, so I was happy to see an event hosted by the Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department scheduled for May 26.

The University of Vermont Health Network-Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Blood Bank staff did a great job setting up the space with recommended social distancing and all personnel using appropriate personal protective equipment. As a donor, I appreciate the precautions taken to ensure the safety of all entering this area. However, there is one deficiency that I feel obligated to point out.

One donor entered the area without a mask, sat at the common table to complete the paperwork and participated in conversations with other donors (all wearing masks). This person was putting everyone at risk, and I was disappointed that the staff did not address the issue.

I applaud and thank everyone involved with the drive, and especially the generous members of the community willing to donate. However, the health of the public is at risk when safety measures are not adhered to, nor enforced.

Phyllis Sinclair, RN



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