
Stefanik has no standing to criticize Cuomo

To the editor:

Has Rep. Stefanik no shame? Given the utter absence of useful leadership and crisis planning from Washington — a situation she had a central role in perpetuating and enabling, even in the face of clear evidence of incompetence and narcissistic ineptitude on the part of the president — given that avoidable disaster, our state has had to rely exclusively on the clearheaded, nonpartisan, capable leadership of our governor to help try to bring our entire state through this nightmare. The federal government had clearly stated red-letter warnings of the present risks — from its own military and from the transition process — but did nothing helpful for more than 70 critical days.

Folks all over the U.S. envy New York our leadership. But now — when Gov. Cuomo has taken the lead to the extent he can on a statewide level and in the absence of crucial central planning from Washington — now Rep. Stefanik attacks and undercuts him? She is responsible, to a large degree, for propping up the Trump disaster. She has absolutely no standing to say a single word in criticism of the only person we’ve got to take charge and help us get through this. Has she no shame?

Yours truly,

S. Peter Feldstein

Town of Hope, Hamilton County


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