
Obscene wealth and other topics

To the editor:

Here’s some food for thought: We have 620 BILLIONAIRES and 7.6 million MILLIONAIRES in this country! That’s about 7,600,620 citizens. Maybe Elizabeth Warren had it right. If you taxed just Jeff Bezos’ $123 billion, it would be about $25 billion. And there are tens of thousands of them out there. I’ll save the calculations for all of them to those who like to do that kind of math. If we taxed all of them at 2%, the result might be the total federal budget — maybe more, I’m guessing.

Maybe Bernie has it right also. Medicare for all, higher minimum wage, free college, etc. I’m not endorsing anyone, but the Democrats need to get their act together if they plan on defeating the moron in the White House.

And on a completely different topic, check the map of the U.S. that shows which states have failed to enact stay-at-home orders. Trump states and governors who are clueless! If you don’t want to go against the pumpkin-in-chief, you will pay down the line if the Re-dumb-licans survive the next election. I would rejoice if saw Stefanik, Graham, McConnell, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Doug Collins and another handful of the gutless members of Congress clearing out their offices and marching down the steps of the Capitol. Oh happy days! It is vitally important that millennials get involved as well as the other 100 million eligible voters who did not vote in 2016. We have the ability to throw this detritus in the swamp they created.

Janice Fitzgerald’s letter to the editor on April 4 got my attention, especially item No. 9. She’s more composed than I am, and her descriptions of elected officials do not describe the vacuous minds in this administration. Elections do have consequences, and we are experiencing/suffering them now.

For all of you Trumpers, is your life better now than it was four to 12 years ago? What exactly have they done for you? The Trumpers are unusually quiet these days. I’d love hear their rationale for tolerating this disaster. Let’s put this administration to rest in November. Let’s take our grief and anger to the polls. This president and his lackeys are responsible for the deaths in this country. I consider it murder, and it could have been largely prevented. I find it difficult to understand how those who voted for this miscreant sleep at night when you look at the sorrow, grief and suffering.

Thomas Kilroy

Saranac Lake


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