
In response to ‘Stefanik stands firm on impeachment’

To the Editor:

Regarding the article “Stefanik Stands Firm on Impeachment,” I say: Thank you to the paper for a well-written article that balances opinion with verified quotes and facts.

To Elise Stefanik, I say: You are correct that you have often voted with the Democrats in the House. In fact you stood with the Democrats 9 times out of the 13 resolutions reported on the congressional government website.

I applaud you for voting in favor of the HR9 Climate Change Act, HR1309 Workplace Violence Prevention Act, HR2157 Disaster Relief Act and three Continuing Appropriations Acts during the government shutdown. These were bills supported by a Democrat majority and should have been supported by every single Republican, not just you.

I would like to see you stand up for principle again. Can you rise above all of the suspicion, disinformation, and partisan hate-mongering and become a student of pure fact? It is insulting to those of us who have read the hundreds of pages of reports and legal proceedings to hear you say, “Just read the transcript”. It is disingenuous of you to act like you believe that this case rests on a single phone call. Your echo of defensive tactics rather than doing your own informed analysis is a discredit to you. You could be the first Republican who honestly and intelligently seeks to grasp the intricate scope of the foreign affairs leading to this incident rather than settle for conspiracy theories.

Getting behind an inquiry whose goal is full disclosure is how you best represent your whole district. Acknowledging that investigation is always legitimate when there is any suspicion of wrong-doing no matter which party initiates it. Recognizing that qualified legal minds, not politicians, will uncover facts,reconstruct timelines, examine motive and question intent using their extensive expertise and the assistance of the FBI and CIA who record all communications at the White House as they have done for every administration. (not surprising or “stunning” as you phrased it.)

Standing up for full transparency and a complete review of both sides of the case, rather than deflecting, blaming, believing unverified sources or repeating partial truth, is how one demonstrates a commitment to uphold the rule of law and our Constitution. I believe you took an oath to do that, Ms. Stefanik.

Martha Hodges



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