
History behind the boat launch site bathrooms

To the editor:

I had to chuckle to myself when I saw the Wednesday, June 26 online edition of the Enterprise. There was none other than our mayor, Clyde Rabideau, and Lindy Ellis and her husband Rich Shapiro, who also happens to be a village trustee, announcing the new River Street boat launch site bathrooms. Just take a look at our local history, and you can find a lot about the River Street boat launch site.

It was back in 1983 and 1984 that county Legislator Cliff Donaldson and state Sen. Ronald B. Stafford fought and won to get the boat launch site located at its present location. See, if the mayor and the current county legislator and Mr. Shapiro had been living in the area at the time, they would have known that the boat launch did not just fall out of the sky but took hours upon hours of meetings between Legislator Donaldson, Sen. Stafford and the Department of Environmental Conservation to work on the planning and preparing the site for construction. So while it is nice to get the boat launch site bathrooms in place, there would be no need for those bathrooms had the boat launch site not been built in the first place. Cliff has always done right by his community, and I am sure he will be doing it again in the very near future.

I also think it would have been a nice gesture if the mayor, county legislator and Mr. Shapiro had invited Cliff to their little ceremony since he was one of the major players in getting the funds to build the launch site in the first place. Well, maybe next time.

Very truly yours,

Jon Bombard Sr.

Saranac Lake


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