
Things get worse under President Trump

To the editor:

Tell me America, are we all free? Do we have the right to say what we want or mean? Do we have the right to come to America as people and live free from harm and hostility? If so, why is it turning its back on us as Americans now?

When we had other presidents, we didn’t have these kinds of problems. Now the taxes go up, our wages to support our families go down to nothing, there’s hardly any more jobs because factories are being closed; plus our children won’t have what they will need to learn or live.

Tell me, America, are we really free? I ask you again. Is this what we really want and need? Hell no! I don’t, so what do we do?

Trump says do nothing. So now we will starve and all die. Enjoy your life and well-being while it lasts.

May God bless us and be with us. Good luck, America!

Betty Palin

Tupper Lake


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