
A nightmare dressed up as a daydream

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community.”

— Aldo Leopold

Located on state Route 86 is one of the most naturally scenic vistas in the Adirondacks. People drive from near and far to capture a glimpse or a photo of the annually-nesting Northern Harriers and their fledglings, or an eagle or a hawk soaring over the meadow to catch a meal. Turkeys, deer, mourning doves, rabbits and blue birds also live here.

Unfortunately, Adirondack Land Trust is proposing to forever change this beautiful landscape by carving out a parking lot — of all things — and filling the meadow with approximately 3.4 miles of trails, complete with overlooks, pavilions, kiosks and privies. (See pictures in Howard Riley’s May 5 guest commentary in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, “Turning beauty to a blemish.”) These are all of the same amenities that are located in the forest at the Visitor’s Interpretive Center, about 8 miles north of the proposed Glenview project. Gov. Kathy Hochul’s new budget includes $250,000 for the VIC.

Part of ALT’s mission is to “conserve and protect.” What are they protecting if people are stomping all over the flora and fauna? There won’t be any wildlife to see, because they will leave the area once it is populated by construction, cars, buses, people and litter. There will be litter. This meadow is a natural, beautiful, scenic habitat with unprecedented views from the road. Everyone can enjoy it from the road.

Safety is of great concern. Route 86 is extremely busy, especially during tourist season. We have logging trucks whistling by this stretch at 60-plus miles per hour. They don’t stop quickly. People drive by taking in the view and not what’s ahead of them. There have been numerous accidents, rear-endings and rollovers on private property on this road. It’s a very dangerous road for cars and buses pulling on and off the road.

If the Glenview project is approved, this vista will never ever look the same. It will be forever changed! Please don’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot … or anything else.

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Linda Branch is a Harrietstown taxpayer and homeowner on state Route 86.


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