
Poll workers always needed

Poll workers are unsung heroes of our democracy. In this presidential election year –and every year — poll workers will play a crucial role in the democratic process. Now is as good of a time as any to sign up to volunteer in the weeks leading up to Election Day, Nov. 5.

Being a poll worker isn’t immensely glamorous; it can be tedious work. Poll workers help set up polling places, sign voters in and help demonstrate how to use voting machines for those who need assistance casting their ballot. But it can also be fun –an opportunity to meet people or see neighbors who you might not’ve seen in a while, all while performing a public service. Another plus: Poll workers are paid for their time and for the roughly three-hours of training required to serve.

“Poll workers are absolutely essential to the success of elections in New York State,” Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, co-executive director of the New York state Board of Elections, said in a statement Thursday. “The thousands of New Yorkers who serve as poll workers each election help sustain the backbone of the democratic process — our elections. With high turnout expected in November, we encourage all New Yorkers to help their neighbors vote by working at the polls.”

Thursday, Aug. 1 was National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, but qualified voters can sign up to be a poll worker at any time of year. The process is easy: Contact your county Board of Elections office, ask about becoming a poll worker and election officials will assist you from there. Voters can also visit https://elections.ny.gov/form/become-a-poll-worker and submit their contact information online.

Early voting starts on Oct. 26 and continues through Nov. 3. Election Day is Nov. 5.

Voters can find out more information on polling sites or look up their voter registration at https://voterlookup.elections.ny.gov.

Starting at $4.75/week.

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