
Deadline to submit endorsement letters is March 14

On March 19, Saranac Lake voters will elect two new people to the Saranac Lake Village Board of Trustees.

On the ballot are Sean Ryan, an independent on the Republican Party line; Katie Stiles, running on independent and Republican Party lines; Paul Van Cott, a Democrat running on the Democratic Party line; and Aurora White, who is also a Democrat running on the Democratic Party line. Fred Balzac, a Democrat, is running a write-in campaign.

Whoever voters choose to fill these seats will have much to weigh in on. The village is facing a variety of issues, from the dearth of affordable housing options to the village’s planning for a new combined emergency services complex. There will inevitably also be municipal finance decisions to be made that will effect every taxpayer, among many other choices that will directly effect the quality of life and the finances of village residents. The new members may also be able to set the tone for this new board: Will the discord and infighting of the past few months continue, or will the board find a way to both hold one another accountable and work together in good faith?

Some voters have already decided who they’re going to vote for. Over the past few weeks, voters have already started to endorse candidates they believe in through letters to the editor. If you’d like to write a letter to the editor to endorse a candidate, you’ve still got some time, though not much. The Enterprise is continuing its tradition of not publishing election related letters on Election Day. Because of that, the deadline to submit election related letters for editions leading up to the election is Thursday, March 14 at 10 a.m.

For those who are still undecided, or those who would like to gain a better understanding of what ideas and beliefs are behind those names on the ballot, the Adirondack Daily Enterprise and Adirondack Voters for Change are co-hosting a Saranac Lake Meet the Candidates forum on March 5 at the Harrietstown Town Hall, exactly two weeks ahead of the March 19 election. The Enterprise and Adirondack Voters for Change will also be facilitating a casual, post-forum meeting at the town hall where we hope voters will be able to meet with all of the candidates directly, too.

The Saranac Lake forum, featuring the four candidates for village trustee who are on the ballot, will take place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Adirondack Daily Enterprise Managing Editor Elizabeth Izzo and Kary Johnson, from Adirondack Voters for Change, will be on the panel asking questions.

A reminder: We are currently accepting question suggestions from the community. Those who have a question they’d like candidates to answer can send them to Izzo at news@adirondackdailyenterprise.com by Monday, March 4 at 10 a.m. (These questions will not be shared with candidates ahead of time.)

Again, Election Day is March 19. Polls will be open at the Harrietstown Town Hall from noon to 9 p.m. Those who’d like to vote by absentee ballot can pick up applications at village offices or online at tinyurl.com/yc7vkkp9. Applications need to be returned to the village by March 12.


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