
Back from break with a spring in our step

Welcome home, everyone who went away for spring break. We hope you had a wonderful time away and that you’ve returned refreshed, re-energized and ready to get back to work.

That may be harder for some than others. For instance, Saranac Lake High School Spanish Club students stumbled to school exhausted Monday after returning Sunday night from a trip to Peru. Unfortunately, they spent the first few days of their adventure in Albany after their flight from that city to South America was canceled — but we hear they got it back on track and had an amazing time, despite strange new foods and a few stomach illnesses. They, of all people, can be excused for taking a couple of days to get back into the classwork routine.

Nevertheless, there’s plenty of work to do and not much time to dawdle.

Now we enter one of the busy times of year: the last big push toward the end of the school year, the start of construction season, preparing businesses for the summer rush, planning summer events, starting gardening and yardwork, and yes, good old spring cleaning. It can feel overwhelming, but spring fever often gets into people’s blood like caffeine and gives them the energy and willpower to charge in.

Some of the Enterprise staff took vacations this spring break, and some didn’t. We had to do a bit of the covering-for-co-workers dance over the last two weeks, but now we feel like we’re back up to speed. We look forward to more good journalism this spring and summer.

We hope you, too, are energized to do your work as well as possible. Happy spring.

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