
Tupper beats Saranac Lake in football

Mayor’s trophy goes to Mayor John Sparks — The Enterprise, Oct. 18, 1971

Right there on page one with a Bill McLaughlin photo and byline was the big story of the Tupper Lake football victory.

But in Bill’s eminent writing style, one might believe, in a quick read of the story, that Saranac Lake had won the game. The story never gives the final score.

So, blame the editor, er, ah, I was the editor. Otherwise, how would the story end up on page one?

Bill also wrote the headline which doesn’t mention Tupper Lake — “Derailed Redskins Retain Admiration” — but, thank god, the photo says it all.

Big John Sparks, a friend since we were teenagers, a former Marine and former Franklin County legislator was honored when the North Country Community College sports/pool building was named for him.

“Main Street, Saranac Lake was in a reservedly ecstatic mood following the Redskin-Lumberjack classic Saturday which culminated in a last minute derailment of the Johnny Raymond (Tupper Lake native) touchdown express.

“This gives one an idea how good a team can look in losing. The big question, of course, is should the Red and White (back in the 1940s, the sports teams were the Red & White, no Redskins) have settled for a tie or gone for the victory as they did with two minutes to play.

“The gigantic overflow crowd of nearly 4,000 fans came to see a winner and that is what they were given. There were no losers in people’s hearts however and no need for recriminations or excuses.

“With it all the tribe still boasts a 4-1-0 record, a slice of second place and the possibility of being back on top before the season ends.

“That possibility oddly enough makes the Lumberjacks our chief ally in the reshuffling of teams and standings. Tupper Lake faces undefeated Potsdam next Saturday and hoping they avoid a psychological letdown following their all-important win against Saranac Lake. They could easily earn the title ‘spoilers of the league.’

“The Lumberjacks, who had been chomping at the bit, waiting for the big game which dealt a punishing blow to Redskin title hopes, combined basically sound football strategy with a well-geared offense to end the Saranac Lake victory string.

“They could do it again! To drop whatever negative force conspired them into a so-so situation halfway through the season is now absent.

“Tupper Lake certainly has the guns to sink any ship in the Northern League harbor when they put it all together. They boast steam roller power which called forth every bit of Redskin defensive might to contain it.

“Kevin Rovito, a line-demolishing fullback, can wear down even the most aggressive array of defensemen. Coach Frank Tice is a Merlin of sorts himself and his magic was never more evident than on Saturday last.

“The crown race may yet end up in a free-for-all madhouse scramble and Saranac Lake is in an envious position to reap its share of glory providing it doesn’t fall apart in a mood of self-destruction. On occasion the Redskins appear to fight among themselves on the field, which is never good. If opponents are keying on our climax runners we may have to open up the game with more reverses, end-arounds or plays which relied on in desperation at Tupper during the final moments of play.

“The coaches know all of this, of course, and our future remains extremely optimistic. A victory over Massena next weekend will restore the charisma somewhat to a team perched on the threshold of greatness.”

Girl Scouts Fund Drive

“The Fund Drive of the Neighborhood Girl Scout Directory of Saranac Lake commences this week under the chairmanship of Clarence Ward.

“Funds are needed to meet the 1971 running coats of $40,475 for the North Country Girl Scout Council. The money is used for programs, salaries, payroll taxes, utilities, insurance, administrative costs, training and supplies.

“There are 80 girls and 20 adults registered with the Girl Scouts in Saranac Lake. In past years the Neighborhood Council has lagged in meeting its financial obligation. In 1970, there was no organized fund drive in Saranac Lake, partly because no one could be persuaded to assume the responsibility of finance chairman.

“Scouting is one of the very few available organizations for girls in this community. Its survival and success depends on the generosity of the public, Scout Girl officials say.”

Raises proposed for teachers

A half page in this 52-year old copy of the Enterprise lists the salaries of the Saranac Lake Central School staff of teachers and administrators, but not the maintenance staff.

There are approximately 123 names on the roster with salaries and the proposed raises offered by the school board.

Now any readers crying in their beer over how much money they don’t make, take a look at this. The proposals are much too long and complicated to show here because they include fringe benefits at 28%.

Here is a brief sample of the salaries before the proposed raises.

I noticed right away that a couple of my pals were making the big bucks:

Jack Fogarty, $7,360 and Mark Gilligan, $7,105; Ernest Seifried, $22,000 (superintendent of schools); Ruth Fortune, $6,850; Eleanor McKillip, $9,960; Dale McGinnis, $7,850; Bonnie Birk, $7,360; Edward McCarthy, $7,615; Arthur Walker, $6,850; Jeffery Wisher, $8,150; William Gallagher, $13,250; Glen Pond, $10,250; John Raymond, $9,050; Fraser Sturgeon, $11,450; Eileen George, $11,750 and Elizabeth Caldwell, $10,550.

Just to make it clear, folks, those are yearly salaries.


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