
Tupper, B’dale, Saranac Lake news

(The Enterprise, May 5, 1967)

Take another look at the date of today’s Enterprise, May 6, 2023, just, almost, nearly, only a smidgen from 56 years ago to the day.

I have to be careful counting those years because, you know, four out of three people can’t do math.

But don’t for one minute, think that I can’t whip out a copy of the Enterprise from my massive files to match any day, month, year that I happen to be looking for.

Tupper Lake

“The announcement by Superintendent Fred Baker, of the Tupper Lake public schools, hiring six new teachers was interesting. James Ellis, a former Tupper Lake boy is replacing John Lynch, who resigned as social studies teacher; Miss Claudia Wescott will teach English and is an addition to the present teaching staff; J. Phillip Markert will teach mathematics in place of Joel Shimberg, who resigned; Winston C. Hamilton will be guidance counselor in addition to John Fitzpatrick; Mrs. Marie O’Steen, will replace Mrs. Beatrice Baker, who taught part time last year, as full time French teacher; and Miss Dorothy Averell will replace Richard DeForest as seventh grade science teacher. Mr. DeForest will teach high school biology.

“There are also vacancies for two high school English teachers to replace Mrs. Marge Lamy and Miss Mary Lou Monty, both of whom are leaving the system. Also Mrs. Debbie Stevenson Connor has replaced Mrs. James Nagle in the business office of the high school.”

(All of this is for my niece, Lisa Riley Littlefield Gillis, who left the Tupper Lake School system at the end of last year after serving as guidance counselor for 30 years or more — and I thought she was only in her 30s.)

“Mr. and Mrs. John Stock, of the Country Club Road, were among the first Tupper Lakers to attend Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada. They spent Monday at the world fair.

“Monday is apparently a busy night. Scheduled are the Monday Night Men’s Bowling banquet at the Waukesha Grill; The town of Altamont Board will meet at 7:30 to be followed by a joint meeting with the village board. Also meeting Monday night will be the Tupper Lake Parent Teacher Association at 7:30 at the high school gymnasium.

“The grade with the most parents attending at the PTA program will win the attendance record banner to be displayed in their room.” (Now how cool is that?)

“Harold J. Nichols, of Tupper Lake, was re-elected to the board of directors of the Sight Conservation Society of Northern New York at its 15th annual meeting Saturday at the Queensbury Hotel in Glens Falls.”


By Dorothy White

“This is May?? Birds were having a time this morning looking for materials to take back to their nests. Afraid I have a household of Starlings who have managed to invade a partition by getting in under the metal roofing that pulled away during winter months.

“A happy birthday to Mrs. Anna Making who observes hers today, and to Mrs. Alice Morency and Mrs. Robert Hickok who celebrated theirs earlier this week. Many happy returns to you all.

“Gary Fischer, a Navy buddy of Dick Amell’s has been visiting at the Leo Amell’s and left yesterday to return to his station at Jacksonville, Florida.

“We wish Mrs. Theresa Jacobs happiness and improved health as she will be living at the home of her daughter and family in Herkimer. Her son, Thomas will join her there as he is busy taking care of the details of moving.

“Drop a card to Mrs. Arthur Ling who is a patient at Saranac Lake General Hospital. They have recently returned from spending the winter with a son near Potsdam.

“Family week will be observed at the Bloomingdale Methodist Church this Sunday with the children of the Sunday School taking part in the 11 a.m. worship service. Altar flowers are given by the WSCS in honor and memory of their mothers. There will be no service at the church on Sunday, May 14, which is Mother’s Day in order that all may have the opportunity to attend the conference services in Lake Placid.”

Saranac Lake

“Dr. Francis B. Trudeau, President of the Trudeau Institute has announced the appointment of Edmund A. Guggenheim, philanthropist and former resident of Saranac Lake, as an honorary member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute.

“In asking Mr. Guggenheim to become an honorary trustee, Dr. Trudeau noted Mr. Guggenheim’s ‘great interest in this area and the challenging thinking you have given its development’, adding that ‘it would be a singular honor if you would be inclined to serve with us.’

“In accepting the position, Mr. Guggenheim said that he was ‘most honored and flattered,’ since as you all know, I have always had a tremendous interest in the welfare and progress of Saranac Lake and its vicinity.

“Mr. Guggenheim evidenced an early interest in the establishment of the Trudeau Institute and donated the land on which it is situated on Algonquin Avenue.”

“David N. Smith, formerly if Saranac Lake, was the speaker at the Harvard Law School Association of Western Pennsylvania dinner in Pittsburgh last week.

“Mr. Smith is Secretary of International Legal Studies at Harvard Law School and is adviser to foreign students. He is a 1961 graduate of Harvard and has been assistant director of the Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina and Inspector of Native Courts in the Ministry of Justice in Nigeria. (I attended Saranac Lake High School with his sister, Sally.)

Last but not least …

“The annual district dinner meeting of the Saranac Lake area members of the Adequate Wiring Bureau of Central New York will be held May 9 at 7 p.m. at the Cedar Post Restaurant.”

(Now in years past I have been at the Cedar Post Restaurant quite adequately wired. Maybe I was a member of that association and didn’t know it?)


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