
Turn signal not optional

One of the simplest and easiest things in driving is using the turn signal — you don’t even have to turn it off unless you are just changing lanes. What a fantastic innovation. So, then, why do so many drivers fail to signal?

Vehicle and Traffic Laws in all states require signaling all turns and lane changes. In New York state, the law requires signaling at least 100 feet prior to the turn or the lane change. This includes moving from the driving lane to a turn lane, or into a two-way left turn lane.

Good driving includes being predictable. Using a turn signal is a very easy and effective way to tell other drivers what your intentions are at intersections and on multiple lane highways and streets.

So, help me understand this. Using a turn signal is probably the easiest and simplest task of driving, being predictable to other drivers is very important, so why would any driver sit at a red light and then turn on his/her right or left turn signal after the light turns green? The driver knew he/she was going to turn, so why keep oncoming vehicles at the red light guessing which direction you were going? Even more benign is why drivers don’t signal at all.

I tried to think of reasons that drivers don’t signal. I couldn’t come up with any “good” reason, but I have heard of a few very weak ones, including:

¯ The signal makes too much noise.

¯ I might forget to turn it off.

¯ Why should I signal if there is no other vehicle near me?

¯ The bulb will burn out faster.

All these reasons are extremely weak. The only one worth addressing is the third one — why should I signal if there is no vehicle near me? Here’s why.

Every driver has at some time not seen another car come up behind him or her, or another vehicle in an adjacent lane. There could be another vehicle near you that you might have missed. So, if you get into the habit of always signaling your turns and lane changes, it just might prevent a fender bender — or worse — that could have been avoided.

If there is one thing to take from this article it’s the importance of being predictable. Always using your turn signal is a very simple but vital way to let other drivers know your intentions.


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