
Test your Vehicle and Traffic Law IQ, 2021

An annual winter feature of these weekly columns is a 20-question quiz on Vehicle and Traffic Law and traffic control devices. The first 10 questions are true/false, and questions 11-20 are multiple choice.

If you follow these weekly columns, you should do well, as all 20 questions are recent repeats, with most questions the same as last year’s. The answers will be found in next week’s article.

Try the quiz, and see how much you know (or don’t know) about VTL and TCDs.

True or false?

1. If your vehicle has daytime running lights, you are not required to turn on your headlights when your wipers are on.

2. Under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, if you are caught speeding in excess of 50 km/h (31 mph) above the posted speed limit, police can impound your vehicle and license on the spot.

3. You pull over to the shoulder of the road to make a phone call. While stopped on the shoulder, you must keep your right turn signal on.

4. Rear seat passengers 16 years old and older are not required to wear seat belts.

5. If there are no sidewalks available, New York state VTL requires pedestrians to walk on the left side of the street or road facing oncoming traffic, and requires bicyclists to always ride on the right side of the street or road with traffic.

6. It is illegal for a pedestrian to cross a roadway at other than an intersection.

7. If it is safe to do so, you may legally cross a double solid line when passing a bicyclist riding on the shoulder.

8. A “two-way left turn” lane (center turn lane) may be used to turn left FROM a street or road ENTERING the street or road you want to turn into.

9. Under New York state VTL, in Franklin County, the state Department of Transportation has the authority for setting all speed limits on state, county and town highways.

10. When preparing for a left turn ahead where there is a dedicated left turn lane, you must signal your movement from the driving lane into the left turn lane 100 feet before moving into the left turn lane, AND you must also signal your left turn 100 feet prior to the turn.

Multiple choice questions

11. At a signalized intersection, you are facing a green light and want to turn left, but there is a string of oncoming traffic. You should: a) stop at the stop bar and wait, b) go straight so as not to hold up traffic behind you, c) turn right and then make a U-turn, or d) proceed into the intersection and wait for a break in oncoming traffic or the light to change, then complete your left turn.

12. When parallel parking a vehicle on a village street with curbs, you must park within: a) 6 inches from the curb, b) 12 inches from the curb, or c) 18 inches from the curb.

13. Parking is prohibited: a) within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, b) within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, c) on a crosswalk, d) on a sidewalk, e) where prohibited by an official sign, or f) all of these.

14. A conviction for texting while driving carries: a) zero, b) 2, c) 3, or d) 5 driver violation points.

15. If a snowplow hits and damages your rural mailbox, the municipality that owns the snowplow must repair the mailbox within a) 48 hours, b) one week, c) by the following April 1, or d) is under no obligation to repair it.

16. Unless other times are specified on a “school speed zone” sign, the school speed limit is in effect for which TWO answers: a) at all times, b) from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on school days, c) whenever beacons are flashing, or d) only when students are present.

17. You are driving in Quebec and face a flashing green light. The meaning of this is: a) you may only proceed straight or turn right through the intersection, b) you may safely make a left turn in front of oncoming traffic, or c) no left turn is allowed.

18. Under which three of the following five conditions are U-turns prohibited: a) upon any curve or upon the approach to, or near the crest of a grade where such motor vehicle cannot be seen by another driver within 500 feet, b) within a school zone, c) on any roadway with a speed limit over 40 mph, d) where official signs prohibit U-turns, or e) on a highway with four or more lanes?

19. If facing a blinking yellow left-turn arrow, it means: a) don’t turn — the yellow arrow is about to turn red, b) you may turn left only if it is safe to do so, c) you must wait for a green light to make a left turn, or d) trucks only may turn left.

20. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration assesses driver error in: a) 50%, b) 75%, c) 88%, or d) 94% of all traffic crashes.

How do you think you did? The questions along with the answers will be the subject of next week’s article. Meanwhile, drive safely!


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