
Georgia contest: highway safety signs with a flare

Last fall the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) challenged residents to make up their own lighthearted safety signs. After receiving hundreds of submissions, GDOT announced the winners, and some of them are really hilarious. They reminded me of the old Burma-Shave signs from the ’50s or ’60s, not sure of just what decade they were prevalent. There were five categories in the contest, and here are some of the winners:

General safety

If you miss your exit it’s okay, we made more up ahead.

Better late than never.

Drive like your momma is watchin’.

You are allowed to use turn signals. We checked.

Drive safely or we call your mother.

Distracted driving

You look great but the selfie can wait.

Looking at the road is a great way to stay on it.

No one wants to see traffic on Snapchat, Brenda.

Impaired driving

Driving half lit is not very bright.

Don’t spend the new year in jail. Party responsibly.

Don’t be a turkey and drive basted.

The party should be lit, not you.

Seat belts

If you don’t wear a seat belt, please be an organ donor.

This is a sign you should buckle up.

Wearing a seat belt makes you look thinner.

Seat belts are in, everybody is wearing them.

Work zone safety

Look left, look right, keep workers in sight.

Work zone, slow down, workers have families that want them around.

Work zones matter, so do the people in them.

Avoid destruction, mind the construction.


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