
Patience pays in times like these

Trout fishing season is underway as snow and ice clings to the forest floor. (Provided photo — Joe Hackett)

Judging by the depth of the snowpack remaining in the local woods, it may be a while before anglers have an opportunity to hit the lakes and ponds. I expect the lakes ponds will remain socked in with ice until warm weather and a bright sun combine to finally chase the winter away.

As usual, Mother’s Day weekend in early May may be the standard starting date for heading off to the ponds.

The first weekend of May will deliver a full moon, known as a Pink Moon. A full moon always gets fish and game on the move, and the moon will trigger the spawning season for suckers, smelt and a variety of bait fish.

Despite the cold weather, birds have been on the wing, with great Vs of Canada Geese passing overhead almost every day.

However, it isn’t geese that l have been waiting and watching for. I’ve been waiting to hear the lonesome tune of the loon, which indicates there’s open water, somewhere nearby.

Soon enough, ice-out will occur and the new season will present another full spectrum of outdoor adventures. At such times, l realize how little I know about the wild creatures and features that surround us.

As Albert Einstein once advised, “Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.”

Unfortunately, humans tend to pay far less attention to their surroundings than most wild creatures, which is likely due to our status as apex predators. We only focus our attention when it is necessary, whereas the majority of wild creatures are constantly on their guard, fully aware of the various scents and sounds that may provide either a threat or a meal.

If you want to find game, see game or pursue game, you must hunt as if you are being hunted. With that thought in mind, it is important for hikers, birders and other woods travelers to be aware the spring wild turkey season will begin on May 1 and last until the end of the month. Legal hunting hours are from a half hour before sunup until noon.

Turkey hunters are likely to be found in or around open fields. They tend to be solitary or in a pair. Hunter-hiker interactions are rare, as the user groups rarely cross paths beyond the parking areas.


Many readers have asked me to empty more quotes from my trash bin. Here are a few:

“Wilderness is the Lord’s way of getting our attention.”

“I have the capacity to ramble about the woods for the sheer joy of it. I will never get tired of the flavor of the woods and the sweet seasons.”

“We often forget we are part and parcel of the natural world, despite the proliferation of so many synthetics. If we lose our attachment to nature, we will have lost our selves, and our senses.”

“There is a river in my soul and a mountain in my heart, it is time enjoy the wildness within.”

“Put a little adventure in your life — get lost on purpose. You may be surprised to discover what you have yet to recover.”


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