
‘From This Moment On’

Ralph Waldo Emerson in his classic essays discussed the importance of self reliance and grit. He further acknowledged that someone who is a jack of all trades can survive in the world if they lose a specific job or opportunity. This is something that has become a significant part of the American dream, and the role that fortitude and even solitude play in shaping each of us for a more successful and gratifying life. It is important to have a compass in life and intellectually gifted philosophers such as Emerson can provide this. He even noted that there is no reason that his readers should sacrifice their own genius by paying attention solely to his writing. He admonished that we should all strive to be original and self reliant. Emerson stated that the most difficult experience is to read or hear the brilliance of their own thoughts echoed through the voice of another. This is why he argued that we should not censor our thoughts, even those that are controversial, in the interest of authenticity and honesty. Wise people, such as Emerson, can be a source of validation and empowerment. However, these writings are not as grounded in current events as those from someone we recognize as part of the current media landscape.

There is something inspiring about learning from others who are famous and well-known and talented but whose personal journey is more severe and difficult than any that we might have envisioned.

Although she is a country and pop icon, Shania Twain, in an open and inspiring manner, has written a book years ago called “From This Moment On” that describes her brutal and painful upbringing. Given all that she has experienced,including violence in her household, growing up with severe poverty, experiencing the betrayal by her best female friend and her ex-husband, the temporary loss of her voice from Lyme Disease, as well as the sudden death of her parents by car accident when she was just 22 years old, she has become an amazing humanitarian for people everywhere. She has stated that her goal inlife is to be the most kind and good person that she can be. What resilience and perseverance she exhibits. She also possesses such a keen emotional intelligence. Her songs and lyrics resonate with a global audience that adores her music. This is one of the reasons that she holds the banner for most records sold by a female artist in country music.

Although she has struggled with ineffable hardships, she puts more than 100% into everything that she does, and is a source of support and comfort and solace for all of us who carry our own private hell around. It is overwhelming to read about how she endured inappropriate behavior by her father, and even though she was forced to survive on mustard sandwiches at school, she kept the details of her poverty from school officials, for fear that they would remove her from her home to live with a foster parent.

The song “From this Moment On” was written by Shania Twain as a love letter to her parents who were both killed immediately in a tragic car accident. It is also a promise of eternal love with a song that is mesmerizing and haunting. Shania Twain has a resilience that can empower others and her journey has inspired so many of us. It is remarkable how she found the tenacity to raise her younger siblings and be a source of support for them when her parents were killed.

There is something extremely therapeutic about learning and growing through the words of her powerful biography. As someone who enjoys great music, I had known that Shania Twain had taken a break from performing, but didn’t realize until recently that it was for reasons including Lyme Disease impacting the neuronal innervation of her vocal cords. Another reason was related to her betrayal by her now ex-husband, who was also her music producer and partner, and who served Shania Twain with divorce papers to become involved with her best ex-girlfriend, who betrayed her, and who became romantically involved with her now ex-husband. This friend deliberately kept denying Shania Twain’s concerns and beliefs that her husband was acting strange. Even when she was at rock bottom she ultimately persevered and triumphed and is back on a live concert tour to sing old favorites and new lyrics that she included in her recent album, “The Queen of Me.” She also has a great documentary called “Not Just A Girl.”

There is sadly a shortage of heroes in this world. The news cycle teaches us that human beings can often not be trusted to do what is expected. The implosion of kindness and decency in society seems to be omnipresent and it plays a role in instructing us to not be naive or trusting without good reasons.

At the polar opposite of this, is a book about honesty with oneself, and with friends and with family. Shania Twain writes compellingly about the hardships of her life from the age of being a young minor, sexual inappropriateness by her father, being a bar singer in lounges when she was still a child, and performing in late nite venues to please her mother who would wake her up from her sleep to go perform live in front of adults who were drinking.

Despite the hurdles which may have been impossible for anyone else to shoulder, Shania Twain demonstrates the belief of being kind and loving and caring for others. She acknowledges that her writing is intended to help others to find a path of freedom and success. Her book is actually a beautiful gift that can help anyone and everyone who struggles with harrowing obstacles in life. She is a personable and brilliant guide to help her global audience to discover the authentic voice inside all of us.

As a psychiatrist, I have been honored and privileged to work with so many wonderful souls. From this moment on, I will be recommending Shania Twain’s book by the same title. It can be helpful to look for heroes in life, especially because we need to find a guiding light in our own moments of darkness. Ms. Twain is an n of only 1, in that there are no other voices from a literary, prose and musical place of strength that embody deep humanitarianism and empathy for others as she does.

Depression and trauma are not diseases of a certain demographic or socioeconomic background. They can affect anyone, and in order to heal it is important that we have a template or strategy for overcoming the hurt and painful damage. Shania Twain has a huge heart and compassion that it is rare to find these days among anyone.

During the pandemic and all of the other stressors over the past few years, we are all proceeding cautiously in moving ahead in our lives. Many of us have lost friends and family, and we can be saddened by remembering people who were important in our lives who have since passed. Grief is a powerful force in life. We can let it overcome us and derail us from moving forward. We can, instead, seek to empower ourselves and others in overcoming adversity. “From This Moment On” is a book that provides each of us a meaningful heartfelt guide to facing shocking and terrible hurdles in life, and moving past them to a bright and fulfilling place.

As a psychiatrist I have access to journal articles and books that describe therapeutic models and evidence based treatments for depression, anxiety and trauma. However, so much more can be accomplished on an individual level by experiencing through prose and lyrics and song how to find comfort and peace and happiness. Ultimately all therapy, no matter the background of the therapist, is something that each patient must embrace and assume responsibility for.

Without committing to the process, as painful as therapy can sometimes be, there won’t be any change or improvement. “From The Moment On” should be read by everyone whether they are in therapy or not. Despite all of the stressors in her life she has triumphed and continues to reach a global audience with kindness, compassion and inspiration. While we can learn from others if we have an open mind and heart, the major battle can be in finding the right support system for ourselves. Shania Twain’s voice and wisdom and resilience provides this foundation for self actualization and growth for each of us.


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