
Adirondack Diary

“The Florentine Tradition” (Painting by Ken Wiley)

Saw St. Armand town truck circling Moody Pond. North side of pond in St. Armand and south side in North Elba. Maybe getting rid of towns would save money.

Tried new body wash whose blue-green color looked like squid ink!

Kerflufle in Warren County because sheriff hired son as deputy. Scored in top three on exam, so it’s legit. Looks bad?

Rep. Stefanik took questions online from Fulton County legislators. Saved time and travel. (Showed for rally in Plattsburgh!)

Adirondack Park Agency members will meet online. Saves time and money!

New York Daily News raised price 30 cents!

July 14

Bill Walton of Experience Adirondacks spoke to Saranac Lake Rotary. Runs family-oriented adventure course near Craig Wood Golf Course. Includes a zipline with 275-pound weight but no age limit.

Moving van in front of St. Luke’s rectory. New rector and family quarantining for two weeks.

Former Essex County district attorney Julie Garcia joined Saratoga law firm. Maybe planning another run for State Supreme Court? Would need more votes from south end of judicial district.

July 15

Learned Kretser sisters are now plying Lake Flower with their racing canoe.

Will miss Paul Smith’s College President Cathy Dove. Climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!

Lake Champlain Weekly newspaper celebrated 20th anniversary!

Jenn Grisi from Saranac Lake Rotary hosted district garden party on Zoom. Featured Jamaican native who has lived a long time in Ottawa. She has a wild garden. Had viewers from Vancouver, Bermuda, Malta, Saranac Lake and Jamaica.

St. Bernard’s School said goodbye to Ray Dora and his wife Donna, who are retiring.

St. Luke’s parish did a drive-by welcome for their new rector and family.

July 16

Spoke to a local electrician. Has crews working many jobs.

Rotary Koffee Klatch met on Zoom. One member replacing rotted cedar deck with pressure-treated pine. Discussed roadside, backyard and lake-bottom dumping.

Audited financials and sample of loan applications for local bank. Bank OK. Amazed at income some folks have.

Knights of Columbus elected new officers by Zoom. One guy about to have spine fused. Another has double vision from an accident. Third building community solar array.

July 18

Think Peru High School should call selves the Incas.

Added topsoil to my indoor Adirondack blue potato box.

Got belated gift from retired local art teacher. “The Florentine Tradition” is a print of a watercolor made from a photo of an artist working in Florence, Italy!

Paul Herrmann lives in Saranac Lake. Adirondack Diary is a weekly column.


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