
Voters OK Long Lake school budget

LONG LAKE — The Long Lake Central School District’s proposed $4.9 million budget passed by 103-19 on Tuesday evening, an 84.4% approval.

LLCSD’s budget proposal comes in $5 under the state-imposed tax cap for the district, with a tax levy of $3,492,035, a 4.85% increase from this year. The proposed 2024-25 budget is 4.8% higher than this year’s $4.6 million budget.

A total of 122 votes were cast.

Tax rates next year are estimated at $4.61 per $1,000 in assessed value in Arietta, up 12 cents from $4.49 this year, and $5.77 per $1,000 in assessed value in Long Lake, up 16 cents from $5.61 this year. A person with a home assessed at $300,000 in Arietta could expect to pay around $1,383 in school taxes, while a person with a $300,000 home in Long Lake would pay $1,731.

Sarah Brown-Pratt was elected to a five-year term on the school board over challenger Kent Stanton.


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