
Talk on permaculture slated this Thursday

SARANAC LAKE — To help celebrate the coming of spring, the Church of St. Luke the Beloved Physician in Saranac Lake will be hosting a presentation entitled “Regenerating Life Together: An Overview of Permaculture” from 7-9 p.m. on Thursday in the Parish Hall.

The presenter will be Dr. John Radigan, Paul Smith’s College professor emeritus of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Permaculture is a type of design science that shows humans how to work with nature, not against it. It was developed in the mid-1970s by two Australians, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, and has since spread all over the world to become a crucial weapon in efforts to mitigate and reverse the accelerating effects of climate change. In this, it is far larger and more comprehensive than mere “organic gardening.” It teaches humans to perceive and relate to the natural world and to society differently by emphasizing interconnections and systems-based thinking. Such thinking enables humans to restore degraded landscapes, both natural and social, to full flourishing.

Radigan earned his initial Permaculture Design Certification in 2009, a certificate in Permaculture Teaching in 2011, and an Advanced Permaculture Design Certification in 2015. For several years prior to his retirement, he taught a 14-week “Introduction to Permaculture” course at Paul Smith’s and assisted professional designers in teaching the standard 72-hour certification courses offered at the college during the summers.

The presentation will consist of two 45-minute segments with an intermission and time for questions and conversation. Light refreshments and handouts will be available.


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