
St. Armand Veterans Memorial Park starting to take shape

Five of the men who erected a new pergola in the town of St. Armand’s Veterans Memorial Park in Bloomingdale on Thursday pose after the project was complete. From left are Jonathan Nielsen, Jim Duprey, Ollie Burgess, Robert Stephenson and Christopher Willette. Duprey and Burgess are from Specialty Wood Products, which built and donated the pergola, and the rest are town employees. (Provided photo — Davina Thurston)

BLOOMINGDALE — A crew of workers built a pergola for the town of St. Armand’s Veterans Memorial Park Thursday as the development of that green space to honor U.S. veterans comes to fruition.

St. Armand town Supervisor Davina Thurston said Friday that the park project is expected to be complete by October, and she hopes to have Memorial Day and Veterans Day services there when it is finished.

The pergola was built and donated by Specialty Wood Products in Bloomingdale, and it was erected by two of the company’s employees — Ollie Burgess and Jim Duprey — and a town crew headed by Highway Superintendent Doug Snickles: Jonathan Nielsen, Robert Stephenson and Christopher Willette.

Veterans Memorial Park is located on state Route 3 behind the St. Armand Town Hall.

According to a letter in Friday’s Enterprise from the St. Armand Veterans Memorial Park Task Force, more than $123,600 has already been raised for the park project, just shy of their $142,900 goal. In addition to the pergola, there will be a new brick patio, benches, planters, a walkway and a granite memorial to honor veterans from the town of St. Armand.

The task force is currently holding a “Buy a Brick” fundraiser to build a new veterans memorial for the park. They will be engraved memorial bricks, with small bricks costing $100 and large bricks $250.

“The bricks do not have to be for veterans, they can be for anyone — not just for St. Armand residents,” the letter stated.

Learn more and place a brick order at https://tinyurl.com/4jet2v55, email the task force at STAVMPTF@ gmail.com or call 518-637-9185. The deadline is Aug. 7.

When complete, the veterans memorial design will include 11 granite stones about 4 feet tall with various widths. Each stone will be engraved with each era of service, and they will be places in a half oval/arc design. A 12th stone, about 6 feet tall, will be placed in the middle of the arc and it will include a dedication plaque and round emblems for each branch of service. The names of the town’s veterans will be on cast bronze plaques.

Members of the task force are Thurston, Mick Changelo, Justyna Babcock, Cheri Fisher, Joe Fisher, Nancy Hurteau, Donna Whitelaw and Kate Lynch-Lewis.


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