
Volunteers needed for annual Earth Day cleanup

From left to right, Lana Gokey, of Ausable Acres, and Abi Charlebois, of Saranac Lake, pose with trash they collected near the AuSable River in April 2022 as part of the Ausable River Association’s second annual Earth Month Cleanup. (Enterprise file photo — Lauren Yates)

KEENE — The Ausable River Association, or AsRA, will host its annual Earth Day Ausable River cleanup on Saturday, April 20. The organization is seeking volunteers to help out.

Volunteers will assist AsRA in removing garbage and debris from roadways and riverbanks in the Lake Placid, Wilmington, Jay, Upper Jay and Keene communities. Lunch and raffle prizes will be available after the cleanup to celebrate coming together to care for the river.

AsRA is inviting the community to join them in restoring and protecting the beauty of the Ausable River.

“We’re grateful to see so many committed people who care for the river participate in this event each year,” said Madison Stroud, operations director at AsRA. “The level of engagement and the thousands of pounds of trash removed each year show the value of the Ausable River to our community.”

There are many threats to the river, including climate change, invasive species, undersized culverts and bank erosion, according to AsRA, and these cleanups ensure the river can better survive these challenges.

Lunch for all pre-registered volunteers will be provided by Valley Grocery, cookies by Green Goddess Natural Market and raffle items by NRS. Several local towns will be providing free waste disposal and other services.

The cleanup will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 20 with registration opening at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers will meet at the Community Center pavilion in Keene for registration and lunch. For more information and to pre-register, visit the Ausable River Association website: www.ausableriver.org/earth%20month%20cleanup.

Starting at $4.75/week.

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