Second annual Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza draws crowd
Officially, 92 cyclists put on their best bathing suits and paraphernalia to race on a 32-degree bluebird day at the Winter Carnival Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. But many more shirtless and nearly pants-less brave souls joined in unofficially. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Addison Bickford, wearing a skull and a snorkel, pedals on down Main Street during the Winter Carnival Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Officially, 92 cyclists put on their best bathing suits and paraphernalia to race on a 32-degree bluebird day at the Winter Carnival Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. But many more shirtless and nearly pants-less brave souls joined in unofficially.
(Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Enterprise columnist and Blue Buns organizer Bob Seidenstein blows a whistle as he rides down Main Street in Saranac Lake Sunday. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Ann Monroe screams in a village police car at the Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza Sunday. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Dan Reilly grins as the sun beats on him while he cycles in the Winter Carnival Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Officially, 92 cyclists put on their best bathing suits and paraphernalia to race on a 32-degree bluebird day at the Winter Carnival Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. But many more shirtless and nearly pants-less brave souls joined in unofficially. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Aggie Pelletieri waves and shouts as she cycles in the Winter Carnival Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Officially, 92 cyclists put on their best bathing suits and paraphernalia to race on a 32-degree bluebird day at the Winter Carnival Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. But many more shirtless and nearly pants-less brave souls joined in unofficially. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Winter Carnival Committee Secretary Nancy LaBombard grins as she cycles in the Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
Winter Carnival Court member Tommy Sloan pulls off a wheelie as he cycles in the Blue Buns Wheel-a-Palooza on Sunday. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
See more photos from Winter Carnival here, from the Winter Carnival Coronation here, from the Paul Smith’s College Woodsmen Exhibition here, and from the Winter Carnival Ladies’ Fry Pan Toss here.