
SLK gets $1 million to upgrade hangar

This hanger at the Adirondack Regional Airport is getting upgraded with a $1 million grant from the state, announced Friday. (Provided photo — Corey Hurwitch)

LAKE CLEAR — The Adirondack Regional Airport has been awarded $1 million from the state to upgrade one of the hangars at the Harrietstown-owned airfield in Lake Clear.

Airport Manager Corey Hurwitch said this is one of the airport’s original hangars from when it opened in 1942.

“It needs a lot of work,” he said. “It needs some TLC.”

He’s not exactly sure how old the hangar is but said the photos from when it was built are in black and white.

This is “Phase 2” of the hangar upgrade.

The state previously awarded the airport a $270,000 grant to upgrade the floor and plane-sized door in the hangar in 2018. This is still in the design phase, Hurwitch said.

The upgrades funded through the grant announced by Gov. Kathy Hochul on Friday will be made to the electric, lighting and insulation. A heating system will be installed. The hangar is also set to get a new coat of paint, have its metal roofing and siding replaced, and get new liner panels, new windows and new personnel doors.

Standing inside Cavu Cafe in the airport terminal building, and looking out toward the runway, Hurwitch said the hangar is two doors down to the left.

The funding for this comes through the Aviation Capital Grant Program. The governor said Friday that $49 million of fund will be distributed through this program to 36 public-use airports across New York. This program is administered by the state Department of Transportation.

The airport is also in the midst of designing an $8.5 million upgrade to the terminal building with grant money awarded in September 2022.


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