AMC’s first baby of 2022: Amelia Elisabeth Favro
SARANAC LAKE — Amelia Elisabeth Favro became the first baby of the new year born at Adirondack Medical Center on Sunday morning.
Her parents, Melissa and Jordan Favro of Lake Placid, said no one was expecting Amelia to have the honor of first baby in 2022. Her due date was on Jan. 11.
“She just couldn’t wait,” Melissa said.
They arrived at AMC’s Stafford New Life Center on Jan. 1, and when they noticed there were no other expectant parents there, they realized baby Amelia could be the first of the new year. On Sunday, at 4:42 a.m., she entered the world at 6 pounds, 12 ounces. She is her parents’ first child. Melissa said her daughter was following in her family’s tiny footsteps.
“Her cousin was also a first baby of the year six years ago. … Same hospital,” Melissa said. “She’s a tradition.”
Nursing staff put together a celebratory gift basket for the new family.
“The staff is amazing there,” Melissa said.
During a phone interview on Tuesday, Amelia — then, two days old — could be heard softly cooing and crying as her mother held her.
“She is doing well,” Melissa said. “She doesn’t know day from night, but, you know, that’s newborn life. … it’s all normal, just no one sleeps.
“It’s a lot harder than they make it seem on the television,” she added.
Melissa said Amelia’s a “healthy little girl.”
Amelia’s middle name is spelled with an “s” instead of a “z” because it is a combination of Jordan and Melissa’s mother’s names — Lisa and Elizabeth, respectively.
Amelia’s step-grandmother Cheri Fisher is proud of her growing family. She and her husband have six kids between them. Melissa is her step-daughter, and Amelia is her second grandchild. Her son had baby daughter last year in Minnesota.
Fisher lives in Bloomingdale, so she’s thrilled she’ll get to see her new granddaughter much more often.
Fisher met Amelia on a video call Monday and on Tuesday was brimming with anticipation ahead of seeing her in person in the evening.
It’s an exciting and emotional topic for her. She was overcome with joy.
“It means a lot,” Fisher said. “I’ve been waiting for a long time.”
Fisher found out she’d have her second grandchild on Mother’s Day last year. She said it was the best present she could have received.
Melissa said she and Jordan heard the good news when they were in Florida, so they drew the words “Baby Favro” in the sand, took a picture, framed it and gave them to all of “the moms.”
Melissa said she feels lucky to have so much family around Amelia. She’s originally from Saranac Lake, and Jordan is from Lake Placid.
“When (Melissa) goes back to work, the three of us grandmas are going to take turns babysitting,” Fisher said. “We’re each going to get a day.”
She’s looking forward to sharing all the staples of childhood with Amelia.
“We have two granddaughters now, and just the fact that we’re going to teach them how to climb trees and just do fun kid stuff, just, I love it,” Fisher said. “I can’t wait to read books to them, sing songs to them, tell them stories, run through the woods.”
Fisher said Melissa is “one of the most calm people I know” and she knows her step-daughter will be a great mother.
Adirondack Health spokesman Matt Scollin said AMC expects to deliver around 200 babies this year, which would be a 10% increase over 2021 deliveries.