

More hospitals requiring masks as flu, COVID cases surge

NEW YORK — More U.S. hospitals are requiring masks and limiting visitors as health officials face an expected but still nasty post-holiday spike in flu, COVID-19 and other illnesses. While many experts say this season likely won’t prove to be as deadly as some other recent winters, it ...

As 2023 holidays dawn, face masks have settled in as an occasional feature

NEW YORK — The scene: A crowded shopping center in the weeks before Christmas. Or a warehouse store. Or maybe a packed airport terminal or a commuter train station or another place where large groups gather. There are people — lots of people. But look around, and it’s clear one thing is ...

Mercy sale approved by state, new owner says

TUPPER LAKE — The new owner of Mercy Living Center nursing home in Tupper Lake, Menajem “Mark” Salamon, says the nursing home’s change of ownership was approved by the state Thursday. The state Department of Health had not released documentation of an approval on Thursday, but ...

US childhood vaccination exemptions reach their highest level ever

NEW YORK — The proportion of U.S. kindergartners exempted from school vaccination requirements has hit its highest level ever, 3%, U.S. health officials said Thursday. More parents are questioning routine childhood vaccinations that they used to automatically accept, an effect of the ...