
Hochul’s favorability rating dips, NYers lose confidence in picks for president

LOUDONVILLE — New Yorkers seem to have lost confidence in their state, their leaders and their options for President, according to data from the latest Siena College Research Institute poll.

Released on Tuesday, the SCRI poll found that New York voters have a less favorable view of Governor Kathleen C. Hochul than they did last month, 41% positive to 46% negative compared to 45% positive, 42% negative in January.

“After recording her best favorability and job approval ratings in nearly a year last month, Hochul saw both fall by net eight points this month, with her favorability rating slipping back into negative territory, where it spent most of 2023,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said. “Whether it was her budget proposals, her efforts on issues of importance to voters, or perhaps the recent attention-grabbing special election in Queens and Nassau, both Hochul’s favorability and job approval ratings fell the most with downstate suburban voters and Democrats.”

But Hochul appears to have a decent level of trust from the voters, a majority of whom said they think Hochul is hard-working. Nearly half of voters, 49%, said they think she is not corrupt, and a larger proportion of voters said they think she is honest, 42% than said she is dishonest, 29%.

However, a larger proportion of voters said they think Hochul is out of touch, 43%, than said she is in tune with New Yorker’s needs, 33%.

A majority of voters in every category also said they believe that the quality of life available in New York is dropping, with 48% saying the cost of living is the primary problem. Voters also cited migrants, crime and the availability of affordable housing as other concerns.

Only 14% of poll respondents said they think the quality of life in New York is getting better, and 25% said it’s staying the same, while 54% said it’s getting worse.

Nationally, voters in New York remain more supportive of President Joseph R. Biden than former President Donald J. Trump. When they’re the only two on the ballot, Biden leads Trump by 12 points according to SCRI’s polling, and when Trump, Biden and two likely third party names appear on the ballot, Biden beats Trump by 10 points.

SCRI’s pollster Greenberg said that’s partly to do with New York’s heavily Democratic registration advantage — there are more Democrats in New York than Republicans, about 27% more. Biden remains relatively unpopular when people are asked, he said.

“A plurality of New Yorkers, including a large majority of independents, want someone other than Biden or Trump,” Greenberg said. “While 61% of Republicans stick with Trump and 29% want someone else, only 46% of Democrats want Biden, compared to 38% who want someone else.”

Greenberg added that a majority of white, Black and Latin voters all say they want their next president to be someone other than the two current frontrunning candidates.

Only 7% of voters said they think both Biden and Trump are healthy and mentally capable of running the country for another four years. More people seem to think Trump is fit than think Biden is, with 32% saying neither is, 35% saying they think Trump is fit but Biden isn’t, and 23% saying Biden is fit for office but Trump isn’t.

SCRI’s poll also found that neither a federal criminal conviction for Trump nor a Congressional impeachment for Biden would change the minds of a majority of voters. If Trump were convicted, 54% of New York voters said they wouldn’t change their vote, while 31% said they’d be less likely to support him and 11% said they’d be more supportive. If Biden were impeached, 65% of New Yorkers said they wouldn’t change their mind on who to vote for, while 19% would support him less and 11% would be more likely to vote for him.

“Majorities of Republicans and independents say neither would change their vote,” Greenberg said. “A majority of Democrats say that about a Biden impeachment but only a plurality feels that way about a Trump conviction.”

This poll was conducted between Feb. 12 and 14, among 806 registered New York voters reached by landline, cell phone and online polling panel. The margin of error is 4.2% in either direction.


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