
Stefanik should be challenged in a primary

To the editor:

In 2015 Rep. Elise Stefanik voted in favor of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA)

(see https://www.congress.gov/ and http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2015/roll226.xml), a cowardly bill that became law and turned the Treaty Clause of the Constitution (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2) on its head.

(See https://www.nationalreview.com/2015/04/corker-bill-isnt-victory-its-constitutional-perversion-andrew-c-mccarthy/ and https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/11/obama-iran-deal-corker-bill/#).

Recently Congress passed a two-year budget bill that President Trump unfortunately signed into law, which will fund the federal government through 2021. This new law suspends the debt ceiling and all spending caps, so the federal deficit will now exceed $1 trillion for the next two years. (See https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/25/house-passes-debt-ceiling-and-budget-bill-sending-it-to-the-senate.html).

Stefanik voted to approve this nauseating piece-of-crap legislation (H.R. 3877, which makes the American taxpayer just that much more of a slave to a debt that cannot be repaid within one and probably not within two generations, thus stealing from our children and grandchildren because they will get stuck with the bill. (See http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2019/roll511.xml.)

This debt will eventually have to be repaid, and the longer it takes to bring it under control and pay it down, the more likely the end result will be kinds of extreme suffering, starting with economic collapse and privation. (Witness the fates of the Weimar Republic of Germany and the formerly affluent nation of Venezuela.)

As evidenced by her voting record (see http://congress.freedomworks.org/legislators/elise-stefanik), Stefanik is neither a fiscal conservative nor a constitutional conservative. Freedom Works, a conservative watchdog group, has given Stefanik a failing grade. (See http://congress.freedomworks.org/legislators/elise-stefanik.)

Obviously Stefanik is unwilling and unable to effect the changes that are needed to bring the fiscal spending addict that Congress has become under control. Her vote for INARA was bad. Her support for the budget bill was worse.

It’s time for someone to challenge Stefanik in a primary. If that challenger is a fiscal/constitutional conservative, then that’s whom I will support.

Charles F. Heimerdinger



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