
5W Wednesdays

AT LEFT: Historic Saranac Lake needs your help identifying the who, what, where, when, and/or why of this photo. Can you help us identify this majorette? We know that this photograph was printed at Kollecker’s Kodak and Gift Shop sometime before the 1960s, but we have no information otherwise! Do you recognize her, or the era of this great uniform? Let us know by calling the museum at 518-891-4606 or emailing mail@historicsaranaclake.org. (Photo provided — Historic Saranac Lake Collection, 2024.2.189. Gift of Gus Dueben.)

Last month’s 5W Wednesdays: We have had some successes with last month’s 5Ws, so here’s an update. ⁠

July 3: The woman in the bikini is Ruth McClellan, local teacher and frequent model for photoshoots, particularly tourism promotion.⁠

July 10: Possibly a house on Helen Hill.⁠

July 17: No identification for the folks on vacation in the 1950s.⁠

July 24: No identification for the doctors and scientists in front of the Saranac Laboratory.⁠

July 31: Most likely boathouses on the shore of Upper Saranac Lake.

Starting at $4.75/week.

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