
ACW, NCPR announce the Season 8 Howl Grand Slam

SARANAC LAKE — The Adirondack Center for Writing and North Country Public Radio will conclude season eight of the Howl Story Slam with the Howl Grand Slam, held at 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Harrietstown Town Hall in Saranac Lake.

The evening’s theme is “Childhood Revelations,” so attendees can expect hilarious and heartfelt “light-bulb moment” stories about times when a truth or misunderstanding about the world — good, bad, silly or tragic — suddenly revealed itself.

“We all have stories from our childhood that we’ve been sharing with our friends and loved ones for years,” said NCPR Station Manager Mitch Teich, “and you can bet our Grand Slam competitors will mine their personal histories for some memorable moments. I can’t wait!”

From Malone to Saratoga, Morristown to Plattsburgh, the Grand Slam lineup includes winning storytellers from twelve towns around the North Country who will return to compete head-to-head to be crowned the grand champion. The Grand Slam gives contestants the opportunity to tell 8-minute stories, a step up from the regular 5-minute limit of the season’s story slams, while the classic Howl Story Slam rules remain unchanged: all stories must be true and no notes or props are allowed.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be back in Saranac Lake for the Grand Slam,” said Nathalie Thill, ACW’s executive director.

Admission is $15 pre-sale and $20 at the door. Tickets can be purchased now at adirondackcenterforwriting.org/season-8-howl-grand-slam.

Additionally, stories from the Grand Slam will be featured on the Howl Podcast, produced and distributed by NCPR. The first season of the podcast became the fastest-growing and most popular in the station’s history. Listeners can stream the Howl Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google and Amazon.

Starting at $4.75/week.

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