Growing anti-Semitism is troubling
Plenty of explanations are being offered for a disturbing report issued this week. Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States last year were up 57 percent from 2016, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
A total of 1,986 anti-Semitic incidents, about half of them vandalism, were reported in 2017. Fortunately, just 19 of the total number of situations involved physical assault.
Discrimination and/or harassment based on race, religion, social status, physical characteristics, sexual preference, political beliefs or heritage are simply not acceptable. This is the United States. We judge people based on character.
Most of us do, anyway. Ironically, many of those who do discriminate and harass claim to do so out of patriotism.
That is nonsense, and it is an attitude revolting to real patriots.